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Organizational Development Pathway



rganizational Development Coaching

You need one on one or group organizational development coaching:

  •  if you would like to establish/re-establish a new organization with a unique corporate culture that advances your mission, protects your vision, aligns with your brand, and is based on what matters the most for you (your core values);
  •  if your existing culture has become dysfunctional lately or not functioning optimally;
  •  if you desire your new supervisors, managers, and/or executives to make a smooth transition and excel at their first-time managerial roles, and deliver results quickly;
  •  if you would like your people to improve their soft skills (people skills) and as a result get along well, create synergy, harmony, and improve their individual and collective performance.

Dr. AZ is a certified coach with many certifications and has been providing coaching with and without assessments. 

We have also certified coaches who also got other certifications on self and multi-rater assessments. They have been providing one-on-one debriefings and group coaching based on assessments. 

If you're interested, apply by downloading, filling out, & submitting the Coaching Application Form 

What our coaching looks like?

Frequently requested

Below are the 3 frequently requested Organizational Development coaching packages.

I. 1-Hour Coaching Session

Most of the coachees who requested this one-hour high-impact coaching session have been those who read one of Dr. AZ's books or attended one of his programs. This program is powerful if someone is in need of making quick decisions to solve immediate problems.

Below are some of the organizational development helps our coachees were looking for:

  • Getting quick feedback on their plan to create a robust culture; publish their 1st book; structure their offers, pricing, and launch a funnel; and so on.
  • Working on a soft skill to experience a quick turnaround.
  • Automating their system and processes to improve productivity.
  • Getting ready quickly before taking their first leadership role to make a smooth transition and excel at their first leadership role.
  • Reviewing establishment documents to open a new organization, approaches to recruiting Board members, assembling Leadership Team, crafting your short and long-term Strategic Plan, and so on.
  • And much more... 

II. 12-Week Program

This program is perfect for those who would like to grow relatively quickly by configuring/reconfiguring their mindset, improving their skill set, and developing their character and personality to make a quantum leap jump.

Below are some of the organizational development helps our coachees were looking for:

  • Support to design and implement a unique culture.
  • Advice as they outline, draft, publish, and promote their 1st book.
  • Design funnels, structure offers, make the right pricing and launch their funnels.
  • Working on their soft skills based on the 12 soft skills included in Dr. AZ's book Soft Skills That Make or Break Your Success
  • Design and implement automation to streamline their system and processes and in turn improve productivity.
  • Closely work with Dr. AZ to succeed in their first leadership role to make a smooth transition and excel, and also get ready to step up to take their next level of 
  • Help to establishment and launch their first or next organization by crafting the necessary establishing documents, recruiting approaches, onboarding new leaders, attract sponsors and partners by excelling in their pitching skills, drafting short and long-term strategic plans, and more.

III. 1-Year Program

This program is ideal for those who would like an accountability partner who motivates, challenges, and stretches them throughout the year. Those who also would like to scale, make a bold move, and lay a solid foundation to go to the next level. 

Below are some of the organizational development helps our coachees were looking for:

  • New and latest ways to reform and sustain their cultures.
  • Taking themselves and their team to the next level by improving their soft skills on a consistent basis.
  • Continuous improvement in their system, process, and approaches to increase productivity.
  • Getting better in their management skills and getting ready before they take their next big first-time management role. 
  • And much more... 
Download, Fill Out, & Submit the Coaching Application Form

What our coaching looks like?

We provide coaching to empower our clients to solve problems and make smart decisions quickly. The coaching sessions can be conducted via video conferencing or over the phone or a mix of these as agreed between the two parties. We have a well-developed coaching framework that has:

  1. Clear outcomes for each session
  2. Insights to give background and context for each topic
  3. Relevant and latest models to deepen understanding
  4. Well coined questions to provide clarity, identify gaps, and take measures
  5. Practical implementation strategies and tactics in each session
  6. Some tools, templates, & samples
  7. Relevant assessment (s) to take
  8. Assignments and homework to be completed after each session

Apply by filling out the Coaching Application Form and if you're accepted, we'll send you a confirmation email with a link to schedule a one-on-one consultative session:

  • To learn your coaching needs,
  • To decide whether coaching is the right service, and
  • To see if one of our coaches is the right coach for you.

Once the decision is made and if you're still interested to pursue the program, a consultation will be made:

  • To identify your coaching goals,
  • To acknowledge your preferences,
  • To finalize the outline of the program, and
  • To talk about the next steps. 
Schedule for a 1 on 1 call

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