Regulate Your Emotions Wittingly

This offer is very timely given that we are now experiencing a global pandemic proning all of us to experience heightened emotions. It's easy to get irritated and lose our cool when we are faced with lots of pressures from every corner. When you sign up, you will get Chapter 2 of the book 'Soft Skills That Make or Break Your Success' for free. The book proposed 12 soft skills one should develop to succeed in the work and marketplaces. One of the soft skills very relevant in this time of crisis is the ability to 'Regulate Your Emotions Wittingly'. You will learn the following from the excerpt:

1. How to express your emotions intelligently, use them to your advantage, develop empathy, and audit your emotions.

2. How emotions are formed and how you can manipulate and use them in your advantage.

3. The need to take an assessment and employ certain tools to increase your emotional awareness and improve your ability to express your emotions smartly.

4. Some actions you should take to take your emotional intelligence to the next level.

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